This popular sport game was developed and published by Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo, Inc. under the guidance of Shingo Takatsuka. Almost every year the game named Pro Evolution or Winning Eleven in Japan released a newer version to refine previous versions. Some Pro Evolution Soccer series has been released include:
- Pro Evolution Soccer
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2
- Pro Evolution Soccer 3
- Pro Evolution Soccer 4
- Pro Evolution Soccer 5
- Pro Evolution Soccer 6
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2008
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2009
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2010
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2011
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2012
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2013
Features and Modes of The Game
1. Editing
There has been a separate league with 18 teams of generic (Team A, Team B, Team C etc) from the Pro Evolution Soccer 6 fully editable.
2. Master League
At the Master League mode, the user can control the team selected such as adjust settings or choose to play with default player in order to win points, points earned can then be used to buy players to join the team. Finaly, player must be a skilled player.
Stats of player will be seen from the statistical curve that influenced the quality of training and age of players. Skill players can be decreased or increased so that one day user have to buy the younger players.
1. Shot & Stamina Gauge
While playing the game, strength and stamina of each player will decrease, if player is forced to keep running till exceed his ability, it will reflect badly on his skills and will cause the direction of the ball kick will not be accurate anymore. It is a fact to be adjusted as closely as possible so that games look more realistic.
2. Player Physics and Animations
PES Productions has truly perfected the animation game. This addition can be seen clearly as before kick-off, players enjoy a fluid, natural movement, the acceleration is more realistic than ever. Physically every player also has been enhanced, because this is the main priority of this game improvement.
Users can see the amazing animation when the players jostling, mutual blocking, walking, and running after a ball with a more natural style.
3. Tactical Options
User of PES 2011 now can set options by drag and move using controller according to the desired position. In addition, users can use the option of 1-tuoch option for gameplan where the AI will give the most suitable formations. It can also be done manually by the user.